
Day 4; I've Got The McShakes

so, today is the final day of my fast. i'm actually felling a pretty good right now. i've got a pretty bad headache and sinus pressure and drainage, but i'm blaming the mountain cedar on that one. yesterday i wrote ryan and told him "i hope God is messing with your head, because He sure is with mine!". i have been doing a lot of talking with God over the past 4 days, and he's reavealed to me some pretty amazing things! more on those things in a couple days, once my brain and heart has processed all that i've heard and seen.

i know i wrote yesterday that when you seem to have it all figured out, God throws you a curve ball, right...well, He threw an entire 9-inning's worth of them at me last night! i went to my dimensions of wellness class last night and we watched Super Size Me!! are you freaking kidding me!? i haven't eaten in 3 days and i have to watch a movie all about a guy stuffing his face with mcdonald's for a month! for those of you who haven't seen this movie (which i would highly recommend you do), the filmmaker; morgan spurlock; displays the downfall of american health through poor eating habits. in order to lighten up the amount of information regarding our love for that which kills us, spurlock decides to see what would happen to his health if he were to only eat at mcdonald's for an entire month; breakfast, lunch & dinner. the results are astounding! even the doctor's said they would never have guessed that someone could do so much damage to their body in so little time. oh, did i mention that he gained over 25 pounds in 29 days!
of course, that was all secondary information for me...all i really thought about was the big mac, quarter-pounder w/ cheese and their deliciously addictive french fries! for 2 hours, i saw a guy stuff his face with fat, and i wanted to be him. this really makes me realize now just how weak i am. Jesus went 40 days in the desert, and i'm struggling to go 4! i bet Jesus never got the mcshakes...


ry@n said...

but yet He was tempted with everything, so I disagree He did. I love you man

Sara said...

Hi Jeff,
That movie turned me off to McDonalds forever. Just the whole thing about trying to get kids addicted to fast food made me sick.

And to think that young girls in foreign cultures will willingly give up their chastity to one meal from McDonalds. They are then risk factors for the AIDS virus.

There is a lot to be said for advertising. There is also a lot to be said for our society that places worth and value on materialism and large food portions.

Off my soapbox now..

I truly thought that SuperSize Me would wake up America to the problem. It was well done.

--Sara (the blog lurker)

Jeff Reininger said...


i couldn't agree more. it was wonderfully done. i told everyone at my work about it today. i think i'm gunna go buy the movie this weekend and just pass it off to people! i think the real problem is that people are lazy. they KNOW that mcdonalds is bad for them, but the still show up. why do you think people still smoke? the mindset of this country frustrates me sometimes!

archie said...

Do I detect a bit of irritability? Could it be your uncontrollable desire for a BIG Mac, but your mind is fighting the impulse. Or could it be something worse, like a MAC addiction lurking in the background hindered by a fast. Hey Just kidding.

But for real, the Tribe room is ready for paint on the front wall. Thanks for your patience.