
A Fish Tale

okay, last time i wrote about fish, it was a sad day...our fish jobee had died. (see "There Is A Reason") well, i guess it's time for an update! our grieving period had passed and katy and i decided to buy some new fish to take their place in the sad, empty bowl on our counter. we actually have 2 of the same bowls, so we decided to use both, buy multiple fish and some new rocks to enhanse the scenery. so, along with our nomadic 'roommate' ryan, we sought out the prefect replacements on saturday evening. after quite some time of staring at dozens of aquariums full of multitudes of different kinds of fish, we decided on the perfect ones to grace our home. we placed 3 different red, orange and black fish of different species in one bowl (see photo below), and 2 silver fish with incredibly large chins along with 3 tiny silver, blue and orange ones in the other (see photo below). we were very pleased with our selections and they were all taking to their new home very well.....or so we thought!
much to my surprise, i awoke on sunday morning, went into the kitchen to feed the fish and noticed that one of the tiny silver, blue and orange fish was missing. "where was it?" i wondered! could it be hiding from me? is it stuck amongst the rocks? can i not count to 3? finally, while looking down on the counter i discovered the fish, or should i say the corpse! the fish had apparently leapt out of the bowl and onto the counter over a foot away to its eminent death! crazy, shocking, weird, slighty amusing, etc. i told katy about the crime scene, cleaned up the carnage, fed the remaining fish and went about my day.

that leads me to today. katy and i were in the kitchen talking, making coffee, etc. when she noticed that another one of the tiny silver, blue and orange fish was missing. no worries, it was just hiding in the rocks. i grabbed a butter knife, stuck it in the bowl, moved a couple rocks around and freed it. disaster adverted! that is, until she noticed that one of the silver fish with the incredibly large chins was missing also. we searched the around the bowl, looked through the rocks...nothing! "what is going on?" i thought. i looked around on the counter...nothing. i looked in the sink...nothing. i walked around the counter and looked on the floor...and what did i find?? another dead fish!! that's 2 fish deaths in 2 days!
what's going on? do i need to get david caruso and csi over here to investigate? do we have a cereal killer on our hands? did we buy suicidal fish? is the ghost of jobee haunting the fish bowl and causing unusual phenomena to occur? i need answers!

1 comment:

Jay said...

Tetras are tropical fish and are sensitive to an array of environmental factors, including temperature, PH, and NO levels. I would not expect them to deal well with a simple bowl without heating, though I wouldn't expect them to jump out, either. While some fish are hearty and suited to a simple bowl, the ones that you have now are better suited to a propper aquarium.