

"When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” -Jacob August Riis

i love this quote…not only because it’s written on the corridor leading to the spurs locker room in about 30 different languages, but because it’s such a true statement. you can look at something you’re working on and choose to see no results, or you can continue on with your work, knowing that all the time you’ve already put in will eventually reap a reward. how often do we forget that? we get so focused on wanting immediate results that we lose sight of the vision…of what the completed work will be. let persistence be your vision, your hammer to split your rock.

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