
31,536,000 Seconds

31,536,000 seconds... 525,600 minutes... 8,760 hours... 365 days... 52 weeks... 12 months... 1 year...

katy, thanks for the best year of my life! i just wanted you to know how much you mean to me and what the past year has meant. words can't describe how i feel when i look back on my life so far and where it has taken me. i thank God everyday that you saw something in me... some potential of what you wanted in a husband. thanks for the happiest, most enjoyable, challenging and rewarding year of my life. i can't wait to see what the future has in store for us... and i can't wait to live out the rest of my life with you by my side. you've been my rock when i needed it, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a kiss to help me greet each morning and a smiling heart to help me leave each day behind. thanks for all that you do for me, to keep me happy, to encourage me, to be my biggest fan. i love you more than words can express!

31,536,001 seconds... 31,536,002 seconds... 31,536,003...

katy" i said,

"i think i'm gonna marry you."

and she said,

"are you asking me,

or are you telling me?"

"i'm asking you".

"well go ahead and ask me, then".

and so i did,

and she accepted,

and we went out into our days.

i won't break, i will wait, i won't hide, i will stay, i'll never run away

when i'm sick i will try, when you're you're scared i will smile, i'll never run away

i'll never run away


you've blown us all away

Forget the waiting,

no one needs those games

i'll celebrate it,

so simple and so plain

congratulations, now never run away.

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