
Your Attention, Please

when something bad happens in your life, how often does your initial reaction turn to praising God for the circumstances that have just unfolded? is that ever your first thought?

i’m guessing i’m not alone in saying that i don’t always see the glory and beauty in The Creator when troubles hit…but why not? isn’t everything that happens part of His magnificent plan? isn’t it our duty to praise Him in the wilderness? after all, God works all things to His glory, right?

are you seeking Him in all things? are you waiting patiently for the darkness to lift? is God trying to get your attention?

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” – Romans 12:12

1 comment:

K said...

That is so true. I find myself being angry with God during those times but praising him later for those times. For it's by his strength and help that i could ever get through difficult times. Or because he taught me something that i might have never learned during those trials. God really put that on my heart at super summer and since then when i pray i thank God for the trials he puts me through.