

"Amplify is a weekly gathering focused around worship and teaching. It is designed to facilitate growth in relationships with God, yourself & your peers. We also encourage leadership in every area of your life."

that's the "official" defination of what Amplify is...but for those people who were there last night, i think they may have some even better ways to describe what they witnessed! i saw genuine fellowship, i saw amazing, God praising worship, i heard life stories, i met so many new people who were excited to have something like this...something they've been searching for...

so, with that, i want to encourage everyone who may be reading this (and i know who's reading) to come and check out Amplify next Tuesday night (and every Tuesday night from here on out). whether you're just curious about what we're doing each week, feel lead by The Spirit, have been questioning your faith for sometime, or have been a devout Christ follower for years, this is something for everyone...we have people from all walks of life up there (we even had some people from Romania or Turkey, i think). The cafe opens at 630pm and the service starts at 730pm sharp. i promise you won't be disappointed! click here for the church link with more info...or send me a message with your questions.

*like the photo at the top? i took that one last night...not bad for a 2 year old camera phone!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

yeah that picture is awesome!! and so was last night! everyone should be there!