
Good Times and Milky Twilight

last night i had an amazing conversation (actually i more listened to an amazing converstation more than participated, but that's neither here nor there) with 2 of my favorite people in the world, kyle and ryan. first, we played soccer (or some derived african form involving 2 bricks) then went to starbucks to enjoy some sort of highly caffeinated sweet green tea iced drink and each others company. what happened from there was all of the following: awkward, theraputic, painful, calming, cooling, entertaining, comical and educational. i'm not sure how, but everytime i leave a converstation with them, i always come away feeling like i understand my self a little better through their words, stories, insight and examples.

i also realized last night that i am weak. i'm in constant need of God's strength to see me through everything. i trust Him, but sometimes i hold things back...try to take care of things myself...as if God needs a break from me and my baggage and struggles. do you ever hear something over and over, but it's not until you want to open your ears to the words that it completely makes sense. well, that was me last night. while talking, i realized that i have baggage that i wasn't ready to let go of yet. it wasn't huge, but sometimes it felt like a boulder pressing down on my shoulders.

God, i give it all to you.
i know You want it,
and i'm ready to hand it over.
Thanks for Your unconditional love.
I pray that one day i'll learn to always trust you.
it's funny how a conversation that originally had nothing to do with me made such an impact in my life. kyle, thanks for always finding the words to put someone's mind at peace, to help find comfort. so many times, you don't even realize what a wonderful example you are of Jesus. The life you lead is a testament to Him and an example for everyone. and ryan, thanks for being my brother, for sharing, listening and understanding. thanks for your huge heart and for loving those who most of us have forgotten to love. i hope to be more like you someday.

1 comment:

Kyle Burkholder said...

thanks. you humble me. over and over. proud of you and really inspired by the progression that you continue to make. i learn more from you than you might ever know.